>From Wendy:

 Rose's back muscles had atrophied so much that she couldn't do them
 10 days ago when Dr. Karla was here. Now she does lots of them, up
 high, and quickly, with no stress to me.

Rose has a weak back, possibly due to the stifle/hock problems we've
been having for some time.  She is not using her back properly, most
likely because of pain, and it has atrophied a lot.

Belly lifts cause her to lift up her back, using those core muscles
and gaining strength.  If you ever use a horse chiropractor, you'll
learn all about belly lifts, butt curls, carrot stretches, leg
stretches )range of motion), not to mention the pulling of the tail
up and to each side.

Rose has needed belly lifts for a long time and I do them for about 2
weeks after the chiro comes - then get out of the habit because
they're so difficult to do with some horses.  My invention stimulates
Rose into doing them well, and I think her back is already getting
stronger after about 10 days.  The best thing about this is that it's
so easy for both of us and I can finally make the committment of
doing the lifts daily as I should have 2 years ago.

 I've been consistent with exercise and I expect that has helped. But
 the reason I really think she's doing them so much better is because
 she has been given extra *incentive* to.

 You know those little hand held *claw* garden tools? Kinda look like
 3 hooks at the end of a short handle? I found some in the toy dept.
 at Wally's and they're metal but rounded and not sharp like the adult
 tool would be. I bought 2 ($1.99 ea.) and tied them together with a
 piece of thin mtn. rope (baling twine would do. As soon as they touch
 her belly, she lifts. No more finding the place and digging with the
 (lack of) fingernails umpteen times till a feeble lift comes. We have
 to do 10 a day, but can often do 10, 2x a day. I can finally commit
 to doing belly-lifts with Rose on a long term basis.

 I tied them together at the perfect length (accidentally) so that I
 can face her tail, spread the claws out, and also get perfect and
 easy butt lifts - so we're doing those too. I'm going to buy another
 pair to keep in the tack shed too, so I'll have a set handy wherever
 we happen to be.

So here's what you do if you don't have my handy-dandy belly lift
contraption.  Yo satnd to one side of your horse facing their middle
back.  Place your hands underneath the horse, fingers up like claws,
fidn the *line* at the center of the belly, dig your nails in, and
the horse should lift up.  You can work at this for a long time to
get even one half-hearted lift - and we need to do 10!  I was really
serious this time so had to come up with a way that would cause Rose
to want to lift her belly/back.

Believe me, if your horse never needs them, you'll be blessed!  I
wasn't so blessed.



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