In a message dated 6/22/2008 3:37:35 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
I have another saddle that I bought a couple months ago that works OK but  is 
maybe a little long for him. Seat is a bit big for me also but it is comfy.  
It is the best I can do for now.  It does not have a name on it at all so  it 
is aftermarket. I will try out the Passier when it is fixed. Now I do like a  
saddle with a tree. 
It has been terrible hot here 108 or so and the people are hiding inside. I  
have been sick with the crud and then the doctor put me on a Calcium 
supplement.  I almost died from the reaction. My sister says I need to wear a 
tag. She 
was an  ER Nurse for a while and went back to school and did her MA in 
education and  teaches at a nursing college back east. We are all very allergic 
everything  and anything. This time my tongue swelled up and my mouth is in 
terrible shape  from the reaction, hives also but that was a start. I have 
reactions all the  time to meds. I never remember them all it is so extensive. 
I am 
like a cat and  cannot take most things normal to other people. Herbal shampoo 
for instance  gives me hives terrible, deodorant, soap powder. I thought it 
was the soap I was  using and took two showers a day to get it off me and took 
my hive pills which  zonk me out. Then it dawned on me it was the new pills. I 
quit taking them of  course and then went to the druggist to see what the 
reactions were to the drug,  Exactly what happened. Oh yeah no calcium for me 
thank you very much. 
I do not think I will ride until it cools off. Sylvia

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