> The results from the "Welfare Cafe" at the last FEIF conference.

Thanks for this, Mic.  Very interesting!

This is basically a synopsis of comments from a roundtable?  and not an 
official standing of FEIF at this point?

In any case, it's good to see the thoughts and comments aligning with our 
work for the past almost dozen years.

At first we were laughed at, but now it seems that the light is on, and 
that's a good thing!

Congratulations to everyone who has played a part in getting us to this 


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The Welfare Cafe

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World Cafe
People engage deeply when they feel they
are contributing their thinking to questions
that are important to them. Each participant
in the Cafe represents an aspect of the
whole system's diversity and as each
person has the chance to connect in
conversation more of the intelligence
inherent in the group becomes accessible.

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World Cafe
At the FEIF Conference 2008, all
participants were invited to participate in
the World Café under the motto
"Welfare of the Horse"
The results are presented on the following

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Support requested from FEIF
Educate: judges trainers, leisure riders, new owners
Education materials on FEIF website
Develop a competence certificate or drivers'license for
new owners
Revisit FIPO: look at overall impression of horse, less
emphasis on lift
Look at the bio-mechanisms of the horse with the
Streamline FIPO&FIZO to be more consistent in horse
we aim for
FEIF need to support judges to give yellow/red cards
Provide articles for country magazines on welfare
Link to each country website to say when something new
is happening

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Support requested from FEIF
FWVC to do a study on correct position of saddle
Produce booklet on general horse welfare issues
Produce a PowerPoint presentation on CD to be
translated into all FEIF languages
Publication of bad behaviour
Better warning system for sport and breeding
Inform people about horse welfare
Create certificate for good horsemanship
Judges need to be more strict at big events in
accordance to welfare
Pay more attention to the role modelling of elite riders
Look at harsh riding at all levels. Not more rules, but
control of rules
Ask for EU money to finance projects on welfare

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Your Commitments
I will stay curious in my search for improved and new
communication methods, so that my teaching and
instructing will be more and more positive and effective
I want to improve and develop my knowledge and
competences around welfare of the horse
I will incorporate more informative and educational
articles into our magazine. I will also endeavour to
improve my own education regarding all aspects of
horse ownership and riding
I will loose weight and improve my fitness for the benefit
of my horse

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Your Commitments
I will see our horses like a friend
I want to listen more to what my horses tell me
I will initiate a group responsible to the board to form an
educational programme to be used to further knowledge
to our members on the subject of horse welfare
I will more carefully observe and discipline bad treatment
of the horse during a breeding evaluation
I will focus more on whether the horse is stressed or
overworked during a test

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Your Commitments
I will be even more aware of the horses welfare in
training of both horses and the riders
I will help others in taking better care of the horse
I will be open minded and always try to improve
I will write articles about basic items having to do with
good horse keeping
I will continue with integrating welfare with our
associations action plan when possible

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Your Commitments
I will educate and inform people
I will take lessons to improve my own riding skills
I will continue to ride my horse with an awareness of his
needs and bring out the best in him.
I will through my teaching bring a better understanding of
the right way to ride the horse
I will be more understanding of people who don't know
better in their relationship with the horse

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Your Commitments
I will work towards a better understanding of the horse
and a better training
I will look that the horses have correct stables
I will continue to love my horses and treat them with
deep respect. I want to further train them while
developing their personality
I will listen to my horse and not break his spirit and heart
I will continue educating myself further
I will listen to the horse before using it

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Your Commitments
I will understand my horses needs better and try to fulfil
I will stand up for horse welfare in my country
I will raise the horse in its natural environment and train
them according to good horsemanship
I will be a good example to others
I will repair damaged fences, check horses mouths for
injuries and ride with increased sensitivity

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Your Commitments
I will sell many of the horses to the right persons so I can
have more time with the horses left
I will go at 7 am to the stables and give them food
I will not take the nature from the horse, but learn to be
natural with the horse
I would like to give more information on the welfare of the
horse to the members
I will continue to draw attention to horse welfare at all
levels and will continue to push judges forward and
improve procedures and forms

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Your Commitments
I will continue to spread knowledge about the horse and
improve my own knowledge as much as possible
I will motivate others to get knowledge
I will for the good of the horse support the welfare of the
horse in the magazine and on the web
I will continue to take riding lessons for the welfare of my
I will think of new education in particular for newcomers
about treatment, feeding etc.

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Your Commitments
I will turn out my horse more often with others
I will spend one hour a week reading a book on training
or watching a DVD on training
I will keep a listening heart
I will not be afraid to speak our for horse welfare
I will do all things in the best way I can, I will always be
open to learning more to help all the horses I come into
contact with
I will stay open minded to the subject and always try to
I will produce more articles about the subject

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Your Commitments
I will stop riding!
I will develop a training system for children
I will try to help people more who are new to the breed
(education and mentoring)
I will improve education to understand the behaviour of
the horse focus on good horsemanship
I will put even more emphasis in my teaching on the
issues of horse welfare.
I will feed the riding horses forage several times a day

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Your Commitments
I will look for help to understand my horses better and
give this knowledge to all my students without arrogance
I will be an example for my riding students
I will teach my students good horsemanship
I will more often give 0.5 extra for good horsemanship
I will improve the breed
I will publish about good and bad examples of
horsemanship in our national magazine

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