> Svort was living at my friend's house with her two very large Norwegian
> Fjords and the three of them would hang out in one 10 x10 stall.  When they
> would come out it was like watching the clown car at the circus.
> Jacki

Did you read that book "Water for Elephants" ?  It talks about packing
all the horses into the railcar on the circus train.  The person asked
if the horses were so crowded wouldnt they scramble and jostle and
knock each other down and get hurt and the answer was yes, without the
pivitol "wedge" horse.  The last one in made it so snug that the
motion of the train made it where there was no room at all for any
excessive moving around.  And they could lean against one another for
rest and support.  I was forced though circumstances to haul Jaspar
once with two other horses in a two horse trailer, two large qhs.  The
other two were paddock mates and friends.  and it was their trailer.
we put Jas in first and then the others.  I will never forget the look
on his face with those two horses crammed in with him.  he was taller
and he looked over his shoulder at me showing the whites of his eyes,
his butt hunkered up.  I was a nervous wreck the whole hour ride home
but when we got there all was well.  They had been smushed against one
another the whole way :)  and we camp at a state park now and then
that has first come first serve stalls.  I have often put Jaspar and
Traveller in together in the one tiny stall and all was fine.  Also on
a ride once and campout some people put their two horses temporarily
into a roundpen with three others who were pasture mates at home.
WIth enough room to gather up in two clusters oh my gosh the squalling
and fighting.  so I guess horses are smart enough to know when to pick
their battles, when there is room to fight and when there is not...


even good horses have bad days sometimes.

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