my nephew, age 10, was pulled out of line at the airport and him and
my sister taken into a room for questioning by homeland security
because he had a turtle in a shoebox that went thru xray.  Now I can
see maybe a toy gun.  But surely they didnt think he had something
hidden inside a turtle...  as for saddle xray...  there is something
about a sensation that causes some people to ride in such a manner
that where the stirrup hanger is causes rubbing.  I thought Tivar's
white spots, almost perfect rectangles,. were old things.  But now
when I ride Trausti I see the rubbing in his hair there.  What is it
about me?  Is it that when the horse goes faster than a walk I sorta
balance myself in the stirrups?  Its me I know, just wish i could
figure out what it is I am doing.  It did not happen the first couple
of times I rode trausti, but we did not go fast.  Only happens when we
go fast, and only happens MAYBE when he canters or trots.  Because his
runningwalk is so smooth I basically am just sitting there with no
bracing or stiffness or "hanging on" at all.
anyway.  dont want him to get a white spot too!
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

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