> I have never seen a beetroot!  Here our beets are all bright red and
> pickled.  How do you cook a beetroot! 

I have had instruction that they are best cooked in a pressure cooker. 
Pull off the tops and boil them after shaking off the dirt. Plunge into 
cold water and peal them. You can eat them hot with butter or cold with 
vinegar or mayonaise. Yes they are deep red.
   and are your peas what we call "english  peas" that you
> can only get here canned?  Little green round balls?? 

Those are the ones.
  and are your beans like green beans in a can or
> do you shell them.
We shell the broad beans= fava. The other varieties french or runner we 
leave the shells on. Italian beans are grown too.

  Here ripe now is watermelon and cantalope, okra, peaches

We have a melon race in our his and her's greenhouses. So far his is 
bigger than her's. We have one peach on the peach tree.

> summer squash is just going out.

We have courgettes and butternut squash.
Artichokes globe and jerusalem. Just for fun I have grown some swiss 
chard amongst the flower bed and cardoons.
The grandchildren love to see the veges growing and the giant 
sunflowers which we grow for the birds. We got our first chickens this 
I do love this life.
Sue coombes

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