Jadi maksudnya gak bisa order lagi yah wol?
Ada yg bisa translate-in gak yah? Wkwkwkwkwk...

*pura-pura gak ngerti Inggris...* kompor Mode : ON
*siap-siap balikin DP yg nyetor2 belakangan sorry guys :(


Sent from my Nexus One - Google's own Son !

On Jan 8, 2010, at 11:28 AM, Willy Gunawan wrote:

> copas ya :)
> --
> CES 2010: Google all sold out
> Google’s Nexus One has surprised quite a few people. Its specification 
> includes some nice things such as Qualcomm’s Snapdragon processor which made 
> the device quite fast and the thing that Google does its own sales makes an 
> interesting case, as the company will move to hardware selling market.
> Google has figure out that this is a good way to make some more money and to 
> make more devices that will help Google in its plans to conquer the world. We 
> saw the phone last night at the Pepcom conference and we can say that from a 
> design point of view, it looks ok. It boasts some nice features and a fast 
> CPU, but once we called Google and pretended we wanted to buy one, an 
> automated response informed us that they ran out of them.
> At this point we could not buy one, but Google assured us that the phone will 
> be available quite soon. It is selling for $529.99 without any contract. 
> T-Mobile will offer it for less than $200 and Europe will get it via 
> exclusive deal with Vodafone. It should start shipping in Q1 2010. 
> http://www.fudzilla.com/content/view/17120/1/

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