Saya pakai BB, android, iOS dan senang dengan adanya pilihan. Sebagai konsumen, lebih banyak pilihan yang baik semakin bagus. Kompetisi menumbuhkan inovasi. Faktanya BlackBerry dibilang mau bangkrut sejak 2-3 tahun yang lalu. They are still around sampai sekarang. 

Ngomong2 yang dimaksud dengan luar negeri itu di mana? Di UK, middle east, south america, afrika, BlackBerry masih lumayan market nya. Di thailand, vietnam, filipina juga masih banyak penggunanya.

Time will tell BlackBerry akan survive atau tidak. Perlu diingat juga bahwa produsen handset android yang untung secara riil baru samsung. Yang lain net loss atau tertatih-tatih atau mulai bangkit seperti sony. Dan kita tentunya tidak ingin handset maker bagus seperti Sony Mobile hilang dari pasar.

Prediksi saya, setelah membuka BBM, BlackBerry akan membuka lisensi OS10 nya. 

We'll see.....

From: Harry Hakadinata
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2013 10:50
Reply To:
Subject: Re: [id-android] WTI: BBM going to Android version 4 and up dan iOS 6

Inilah yg tidak di sadari kita semua org Indonesia / yang berada di Indonesia. Konsumen Blackberry  terbanyak itu di Indonesia! Jika anda ke luar negri ..gak ada yg pakai bb lagi.

Adalah fakta bahwa RIM/ blackberry (now) itu adalah perusahaan yg mau bangkrut. Di dunia usernya gak ada. Jadi akhirnya mereka membuka diri masuk ke dalam platform no 1 / 2 di dunia yaitu iOS dan Android. Walau dinilai udah terlambat. Fokus mereka ke hardware division dianggap salah strategy. Bahkan CEO Yahoo bilang BB itu bukan smartphone!! Wkwkwkkw.....

Kalau gak salah line/kakao talk /whatsapp aja jumlah usernya melebihi bbm.! Jadi yah serba susah dan telat sih ..... Tinggal menunggu waktu aja kalau menurut saya BB itu.. Karena even usaha terakhir mereka melalui device baru Z10 Etc.. Gagal. Terlihat dr harga saham mereka yg semangkin terpuruk. Pasar tidak menerimanya.

Just my 2 cent....

Harry NTQ

On May 15, 2013 2:40 PM, "Herman S" <> wrote:
Sewaktu di awal baca berita ini, saya mengira alangkah bodohnya langkah RIM ini, masa iya salah satu fitur andalannya (kalau bukan yg paling utama) dishare. Kalau demikian nanti orang-orang akan beralih dong ke HH lain selain BB.
Tapi kemudian, mungkinkah RIM memiliki strategi bisnis seperti WA? Pada awalnya mungkin aplikasi ini akan dibagikan gratis bagi para pengguna Android atau IOS. Tapi kemudian, akan menjadi berbayar setelah tahun ke-2 (misalnya), dst.
Kebayang kan berapa besarnya keuntungan seandainya sebagian besar dari milyaran pengguna Android menggunakan aplikasi ini? Belum lagi jumlah pengguna IOS?

Tapi tetap saja, analisis akhir saya kemungkinan besar penjualan BB akan menurun drastis, mengingat price/performance BB yang sangat jelek (no offense, CMIIW, compare to Android misalnya). Apa iya RIM akan survive dengan hanya mengandalkan profit dari aplikasi ini?

On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 11:11 PM, Prayudi Aji Murtolo <> wrote:

We will see om

barusan long distance call dengan seseorang di jauuuhhh

Faham bener sekarang strategi nya BBRY



Bbm for iOS/Android

We will see later


japri :
temukan info baru di LHAINI.COM

On May 14, 2013 10:57 PM, "Hary" <> wrote:

BBM to go cross-platform this summer!!

By Adam Zeis on 14 May 2013 10:59 am

Announced today during BlackBerry Live 2013BBM is set to go cross-platform this summer.  That means BlackBerry, iOS and Android users will able be able to chat seamlessly over BBM very soon.

Cross-platform BBM is long overdue but is sure to make for plenty of happy BlackBerry in just a few months.

The rollout will first include just chat, but soon to follow will be BBM Voice, BBM Video and even BBM Channels. Users on iOS and Android will get the same features of BBM that BlackBerry users already have so it should be pretty exciting. Best of all? It will still be totally free.

Plenty more on this to come soon so stay tuned!

Press Release

BBM for iOS and Android to Launch This Summer

WATERLOO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - May 14, 2013) - BlackBerry® (NASDAQ: BBRY)(TSX: BB) today announced plans to make its ground-breaking mobile social network, BlackBerry® Messenger (BBM™), available to iOS® and Android™ users this summer, with support planned for iOS6, and Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) or higher, all subject to approval by the Apple App Store and Google Play. BBM sets the standard for mobile instant messaging with a fast, reliable, engaging experience that includes delivered and read statuses, and personalized profiles and avatars. Upon release, BBM customers would be able to broaden their connections to include friends, family and colleagues on other mobile platforms.

In the planned initial release, iOS and Android users would be able to experience the immediacy of BBM chats, including multi-person chats, as well as the ability to share photos and voice notes, and engage in BBM Groups, which allows BBM customers to create groups of up to 30 people.

"For BlackBerry, messaging and collaboration are inseparable from the mobile experience, and the time is definitely right for BBM to become a multi-platform mobile service. BBM has always been one of the most engaging services for BlackBerry customers, enabling them to easily connect while maintaining a valued level of personal privacy. We're excited to offer iOS and Android users the possibility to join the BBM community," said Andrew Bocking, Executive Vice President, Software Product Management and Ecosystem, at BlackBerry.

BBM is loved by customers for its "D" and "R" statuses, which show up in chats to let people know with certainty that their message has been delivered and read. It provides customers with a high level of control and privacy over who they add to their contact list and how they engage with them, as invites are two-way opt-in. iOS and Android users would be able to add their contacts through PIN, email, SMS or QR code scan, regardless of platform. Android users would also be able to connect using a compatible NFC-capable device.

BBM has more than 60 million monthly active customers, with more than 51 million people using BBM an average of 90 minutes per day. BBM customers collectively send and receive more than 10 billion messages each day, nearly twice as many messages per user per day as compared to other mobile messaging apps. Almost half of BBM messages are read within 20 seconds of being received; indicating how truly engaged BBM customers are.

Today, BlackBerry also announced BBM Channels, a new social engagement platform within BBM that will allow customers to connect with the businesses, brands, celebrities and groups they are passionate about. BlackBerry plans to add support for BBM Channels as well as voice and video chatting for iOS and Android later this year, subject to approval by the Apple App Store and Google Play.

If approved by Apple and Google, the BBM app will be available as a free download in the Apple® App Store(SM) and Google Play store. Additional details about system requirements and availability will be announced closer to the launch.

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