Masuk akal sih. Dgn cara ini kelebihan2 dari masing2 device (spt kamera,
boomsound dll) masih kepake. Kalo pake kernel polos dari Google bisa2
kelebihan2 tadi gak kepake/gak maksimal.

Tapi ya jadi kurang menarik kalo update cyclenya terhambat lagi di masing2
manufacturer. GNex versi yakjuxw dll yg updatenya dari Samsung aja jd
ketinggalan bgt (hitungan bulan) dibanding takju/takju yg updatenya
langsung dari Google. Itu tanpa modif kernel lho. Kalo SGS4/HTC One yg
musti ditambah dgn modif kernel ya bakal lebih terlambat lagi nih kyknya.

We'll see...

On Jun 27, 2013 1:31 AM, "Julham (uam)" <> wrote:

> Wooops, jangan terlalu berharap kayanya
> *Google Play Edition phones won’t get the Nexus update treatment*
> In case you weren’t aware of the news, today 
> Samsung<>and
> HTC <> both launched their respective
> flagship top-tier smartphones on the Google Play Store running stock
> Android. Originally called Google Edition phones, now the Play Store has
> them listed as “Google Play editions” and we’re learning they might not get
> the update treatment we all thought.
> So far the details aren’t completely known, but it’s being reported by
> multiple outlets that have the devices in hand that Google won’t be in
> charge of updates. We all originally thought these would receive the “Nexus
> treatment” and be first to the latest and greatest versions of Android, but
> that could be wrong.
> According to 
> AnandTech<>these
>  devices are “nearly Nexus” phones yet still will be handled by the
> manufacturer themselves, not Google. This means we won’t be receiving *
> pure* Android from AOSP like we originally thought. They’ll be vanilla
> Android, but still have Samsung or HTC kernels, as well as little tweaks to
> the camera app, or beats audio integration.
> However, Google will provide the stock Android updates, then Samsung and
> HTC get to tweak and perfect the kernel. After all, they do know their
> hardware best. This in theory could provide a pretty stellar experience for
> these phones, while still giving us quick updates. They might be a few
> weeks behind Nexus devices in terms of updates. But we won’t have custom UI
> skins or carrier testing to make these updates take months and months.
> When Samsung has 50-60+ million Galaxy S4 sales, but not nearly as many GS
> 4 Google Edition sales, which will get updated first? It’s a question we
> can’t answer yet, and we’ll have to wait and see.
> *Story Timeline*
> Skip the Google Edition, just give us the stock 
> option<>
>  HTC
> One: What the Google Edition gives and takes 
> away<>
>  Motorola
> "Google Edition" phones up 
> next<>
>  Sony
> Xperia Z Google Edition in the works tips insider
> <>Google
> Edition HTC One and Galaxy S4 on sale now - ship July 
> 9<>
> shared via
> --
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