On 17/01/2008, Kamal Fariz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> There's a lot of stuff to contribute:
> - fixing failing specs - do a ./bin/ci --invert to find which - or
> with today's push, rake todo - it'll show you the counts of failing
> specs by core library
> - writing up more specs - do a ./bin/completeness to find which. Most
> of it is in Ruby anyway
> Also hang out in #rubinius in freenode. A lot of the familiar faces
> are there: evan, drbrain (Eric Hodel), zenspider (Ryan Davis), headius
> (Charles Nutter), enebo (Thomas Enebo), MenTaLguY.
> I got started on the project 11 days ago after watching Evan's video
> and within 2 hours had a patch to send in :) Oh, and they are super
> liberal with commit rights. One patch accepted and you are given the
> commit bits.
> http://git.rubini.us/?p=code&a=search&h=HEAD&st=author&s=Kamal+Fariz
> The superstars are talking about really more advanced stuff like Multi-
> VM which flies over my head. I just stick to simple fixing of the
> standard core libraries.
> Have fun!

Thanks for bringing my passion of rubinius back!!! I'm still freaking
out, at last, rubinius works on my mac, as it's been a long i didn't
do it and i'd only succeeded to set it up on fedora. At last, I
finished watching Evan's s/presentation/talking/ rubyconf confreak
video. Ah yes, hanging out with perl6 guys like evan can impact good
atmosphere among rubyists, tanananana .... evan's voice still singing
on my head "committers" "committers" .... cool cool. Damn I can't wait
to commit ASAP, now gotta sleep!

ps. copy paste from following evan's video one by one:

m:code arie$ git pull
m:code arie$ rake build && sudo rake install
m:code arie$ less INSTALL
m:code arie$ rbx
irb(main):001:0> class Thing
irb(main):002:1>   def awesome
irb(main):003:2>     MethodContext.current
irb(main):004:2>   end
irb(main):005:1> end
=> #<CompiledMethod:0x401a5 name=awesome file=(irb)>
irb(main):006:0> t = Thing.new
=> #<Thing:0x401ad>
irb(main):007:0> ctx = t.awesome { puts "allo!" }
=> #<MethodContext:0x401bd #<Thing:0x401ad>#awesome (irb):3>
irb(main):008:0> ctx.name
=> :awesome
irb(main):009:0> ctx.receiver
=> #<Thing:0x401ad>
irb(main):010:0> ctx.method_module
=> Thing
irb(main):011:0> ctx.block
=> #<BlockEnvironment:0x401c1>
irb(main):012:0> ctx.sender
=> #<BlockContext:0x401c5 main#irb_binding (irb):7>
irb(main):013:0> module Stuff
irb(main):014:1>   def try
irb(main):015:2>     MethodContext.current
irb(main):016:2>   end
irb(main):017:1> end
=> #<CompiledMethod:0x401cd name=try file=(irb)>
irb(main):018:0> main
NameError: undefined local variable or method `main' for main
   from main.main (method_missing_cv) at kernel/core/object.rb:116
   from (irb):18
irb(main):019:0> Thing.include Stuff
=> [Stuff]
irb(main):020:0> ctx = t.try
=> #<MethodContext:0x401e5 #<Thing:0x401ad>#try (irb):15>
irb(main):021:0> ctx.method_module
=> Stuff
irb(main):022:0> ctx.receiver
=> #<Thing:0x401ad>
irb(main):023:0> "3 + 4".to_sexp
=> [:newline, 1, "(eval)", [:call, [:lit, 3], :+, [:array, [:lit, 4]]]]

> Regards,
> kamal

r9 = { name: Rie!, ym: riyari3, skype: rubyninja,
li: http://linkedin.com/in/ariekeren,
fb: http://profile.to/ariekeren,
blog: http://tinyurl.com/2bjgvn }

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