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Ole Gregor wrote:

> There is several solutions
> One (which you also can use from Mapinfo with Vertical Mapper)is to save
> your spatial analyst data in ESRI ASCII GRID format (it's in the file menu
> as far as I remember) and change the header of the file to GRASS ASCII
> format, which IDRISI W2 and IDRISI32 easily can import.
> The other way is similar, export your IDRISI data in GRASS ASCII format,
> change the header and import into Spatial Analyst
> There is a good description on the change of header at the GRASS FAQ;
> http://www.hpcc.nectec.or.th/grass/faq/arcgrid.header.html
> Another possibility is the GRID tools at
> http://www.pierssen.com/idrisi/grid.htm but I have not tried them yet (Im
> doing more and more of my data creation in Vertical Mapper which is faster
> and has more interpolation option than any other tool, converts by the ASCII
> GRID to GRASS option and continues with the more advanced raster analyses in
> A last option, is to use the InovaGIS objects and create your own VB/Delpi
> tool which can read/write either ESRI ASCII GRID or IDRISI W2 files. I'm
> very impressed by the objects and their perfomance. The adress is
> http://www.inovagis.org/
> Ole Gregor
> Viborg Amt, Miljø og Teknik/Viborg County, dept. of enviroment,
> natureconservation, planning and highways
> (45) 87 27 13 07
> -----Original Message-----
> From: bgolob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, April 10, 2000 11:32 AM
> Subject: Idrisi-L : Export import with ArcView spatial analyst
> --- Start of Idrisi List message
> Dear collegues,
> what is the best way of exchanging data between Idrisi (2.0 f win) and
> the ArcView Spatial Analyst?
> If anyone has experiences please let me know.
> best regards
> Daniel Bogner
> --
> --------------------------------------------------
> Bogner & Golob OEG
> Büro für Ökologie und Landwirtschaft
> (Office for Ecology and Agriculture)
> Kranzmayerstr. 61 F
> A-9020 Klagenfurt
> Austria, Europe
> Tel.: ++43 463 218389
> Fax.: ++43 463 218389 14
> http://business.carinthia.com/bgolob/infomap.htm
> --------------------------------------------------
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Bogner & Golob OEG
Büro für Ökologie und Landwirtschaft
(Office for Ecology and Agriculture)
Kranzmayerstr. 61 F
A-9020 Klagenfurt
Austria, Europe

Tel.: ++43 463 218389
Fax.: ++43 463 218389 14


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