--- Start of Idrisi List message
Hi all,

I'm a new user to IDRISI having used ESRI products a fair bit and recently using 
IDRISI for a course i'm doing.

I've got a couple of questions that i was hoping someone could help me with:

1) How can you buffer a vector points file?  I have tried using the ANALYSIS - 
Distance operation - Buffer  .. but this only seems available for raster layers?  
Can anyone advise - do i have to convert to raster first?

2) How can you view the attributes of a raster or vector layer? I have tried the 
Feature Properties button from the composer - but this doesn't list any attributes on 
any layers. - and they definitely have attributes!

3) Display and presentation - can anyone tell me how to change the colours or symbols 
of layers manually? i.e assign colours and fills to specific layers and values within 
I have found how to change the whole symbol set, but cannot see how I can change 
individual layers?

Any help with these questions above would be gratefully received.


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