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Hi everybody,
I use ArcView Spatial Analyst and Idrisi32 second release.
I'm trying to automatize the importation of elevation data from an ASCII
archive, with latlong coordinates, divided in small areas.
I'm trying to call Idrisi32 from a VB project.
Would it be better wether to import each file separately as XYZ files, then
convert it to a raster file, using INITIAL and POINTRAS, then join the
images with CONCAT or MOSAIC; or join the vector files first, then convert
to raster? I suppose the latter manner would be better, but actually I dont'
Thanks a lot.


Gabriele Antolini
Unità Ricerca e Sviluppo
Area Agrometeorologia e Territorio
ARPA - Servizio Meteorologico Regionale
40122, Viale Silvani 6, Bologna, Italia
tel +39/051-28 45 99, fax 28 46 64

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