Hi folks,

Area Director hat on here:

The discussion Barry kicked off has been interesting, but it has strayed
(and mea culpa, in part, because the material is interesting) from the work
of discussing a charter.

I've set the stage for re-chartering in the system, and now we need some
charter text.  Dave and Barry submitted text, which I've synthesized into
what's below.  Let's keep this thread just to discussion the charter text;
if you want to continue to debate the technical solutions or problem space,
please start other threads or reply to the other existing ones.

Here's my run at a charter; please provide suggestions or comments, or tell
us if you think it's ready to go.  It's a variant of Barry's version with
parts of Dave's merged in.  I've kept the list of candidate documents as a
starting point; the WG doesn't actually have to use any of them if that's
where consensus lands.

But let's figure out consensus on a charter before we try to hammer out
consensus on solutions.



Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM, RFC 6376) defines a mechanism for
using a digital signature to associate a domain identity with an email
message in a secure way, and to assure receiving domains that the message
not been altered since the signature was created.  Receiving systems
can use this information as part of their message-handling decision.
This can help reduce spam, phishing, and other unwanted or malicious

A DKIM-signed message can be re-posted, to a different set of recipients,
disturbing the signature's validity.  This can be used to confound the
engines that
identify abusive content.  RFC 6376 identified a risk of these "replay"
attacks, but
at the time did not consider this to be a problem in need of a solution.
the community has decided that it has become enough of a problem to warrant
being revisited.

The DKIM working group will produce one or more technical specifications
describe the abuse and propose replay-resistant mechanisms that are
with DKIM's broad deployment.  The working group may produce documents
relevant experimental trials first.

Current proposals include the following drafts:

 - draft-bradshaw-envelope-validation-extension-dkim
 - draft-chuang-replay-resistant-arc
 - draft-gondwana-email-mailpath
 - draft-kucherawy-dkim-anti-replay

The working group may adopt or ignore these as it sees fit.
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