On 2/11/2023 4:48 PM, Stephen Farrell wrote:
asking good questions that deserve consideration.


There is a draft problem statement that seeks to explore the problem space.

Perhaps you can suggest specific additions to it that should be made and fleshed out? That is, after all, the usual way working groups try to work, even before being chartered.

One of the challenges in considering email abuse 'clues' is distinguishing between ones that are inherent and of longer-term benefit to consider, versus those that might be of very transient benefit or, worse, appear in all sorts of different traffic, and possible good or bad traffic at that. Standards work is slow and expensive and therefore really ought to limit itself to things that will be of longer-term benefit.

There is a very serious potential of chasing squirrels and/or trying to boil the ocean. It's easy to raise possibilities, and difficult to raise good ones.


Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

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