On Sun, Feb 12, 2023 at 1:21 PM Dave Crocker <d...@dcrocker.net> wrote:

> One of the continuing problems with anti-abuse discussions is that
> discussion always goes to detecting bad actors.  While of course there need
> to be discussions about them, the problem is that there seem to be no
> discussions about good actors.
> DKIM and a mechanism such as I'm proposing gives the receiver a noise-free
> message flow to evaluate.  It can be used for finding bad actors, of
> course, but I think its primary benefit is in finding good actors.
I think this is a strong point.  One of the things that's stuck with me
since we were working on what became RFC 4871 is the notion that you only
really know anything when DKIM succeeds.  (But then, of course, you need to
be cautious about over-interpreting exactly what it's telling you.)  You
can't conclude anything from a failure because there are so many legitimate
failure modes.

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