On 25 Mar 2023, at 8:57, Michael Thomas wrote:

> Somebody brought up that this could turn into a research project. Frankly I 
> think that is highly likely the case and is why rechartering was so 
> problematic. Since M3AAWG can't figure it out with lots of inside the 
> industry information, what makes anybody think the wider community would have 
> better insight which is not speculative because it has been tested and known 
> to work? It speaks volumes that they didn't have a solution in mind and bring 
> it to IETF to vet in the wider community. That sure sounds like a research 
> project to me.

It may indeed be a research project, but I’d rather see that happen in IETF or 
some similarly open venue rather than to have it happen in a closed forum like 
M3AAWG, which brings the risk that the proposed solution will meet the needs of 
only the large domains that are M3AAWG members, and not the small ones that 


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