On Sat, 3 Feb 2024, Dave Crocker wrote:
Having a DKIM module check for one aspect of RFC5322 conformance raises a need to make it a full RFC5322 compliance engine.

That's easy: no, it doesn't.

Any DKIM signer or verifier already has a state machine looking for CR and LF to do header or body canonicalization. When the state machine runs into a bare CR or LF, it has to do something. The only options are to produce a wrong result, since there is no correct result, or no result. (As I said in a recent note to Murray, which wrong result is likely to vary depending on local file details.) You seem to be saying that as a matter of principle it should produce a wrong result. I'd rather not.

John Levine, jo...@taugh.com, Taughannock Networks, Trumansburg NY
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