Hector Santos wrote:
From: "Stephen Farrell"

- Are there any documented surveys on the things that
mail lists actually do? If so, I'd be interested in that for
my own education. But we might also be able to use such a
document to decide which use cases to try support. I don't
think we need to get the ultimate survey document, but if
there's something we can all agree lists some good-to-support
cases that'd be enough. Of course, since no-one's posted a
link that I spotted so far, that probably doesn't exist.

Do you mean a survey of common mailing list features, or basic mailing
list mail flow operations?

I'm not sure, probably the former. Let me try explain again.

Mailing lists (and others) do things that break signatures,
for good, bad and indifferent reasons.

If we want to define a protocol that allows for both original
and mailing list signatures, so that the one doesn't have to
interfere with the other, then we have to have some understanding
of how lists (and others) break signatures.

Probably a bunch of people on this list already know all about
this. I don't, at least not sufficiently well to judge some of
the options. So I'm asking for a pointer to the "how mailing
lists break signatures" report, if it exists so I can learn
a bit more.

Now, if that did exist, it might also be useful to folks who
already know all about this area in that it would give us a
way to say "if you do this it breaks when the message is handled
by things like those in section 9.1.32", or, "we defined this
field so that you can still verify even if you go through a
server like that in section 8.2.3 which is fairly common".
Being able to point at bits of such a report might help us go

However, I can well imagine that this doesn't exist in any
usable form, but it'd be nice if it did.


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