On 04/18/2006 14:18, Douglas Otis wrote:
> On Apr 18, 2006, at 10:42 AM, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> > From a protocol design perspective, I think the right answer is to
> > design for the case where the receiving MTA/MDA will check the
> > signature and record a result that, if appropriate, an MUA can use.
> Depending upon an unsigned "results" header being added to the
> message is an unsafe practice.
> It is not practical to determine who added the "results" header,
> whether the MDA strips/adds all prior results headers, and whether
> all possible backup and alternative paths also strip/adds all
> "results" headers.  Retaining the integrity of the DKIM signature for
> a suitable period should permit message verification for transports
> that carry messages beyond the MDA.  Message protection beyond SMTP
> is an important aspect of DKIM.  Reliance upon a results header may
> produce many years of victims that DKIM intended to protect.
> Explain the motivation for not including DKIM protection beyond SMTP?
> -Doug

The problem is inherent in your statement, "a suitable period".  What's that 
and how do we figure it out?  If you include the MUA, then the only suitable 
period is essentially forever.  

If we decide to design for MSA/MTA/MDA, but do nothing that would explicitly 
preclude MUA use (which is, as I understand it the approach currently 
intended) then MUA based verifiers would likely be able to work reasonably 
well, but without forcing us into a corner on what "a suitable period" is for 
an MUA.  

I would not say that we shouldn't include DKIM protection beyond SMTP, but 
that whatever happens after delivery shouldn't distract us from the primary 
use case.

Some method that can be relied on to store the verification result for future 
use is going to need to be needed in any case so that the verification state 
of stored e-mail can be retrieved when needed.  Whatever solution that is, 
should also work for MDA to MUA delivery of the result.

No reason that I can see that the MDA couldn't add an Auth results header 
field, re-sign the message with it's own DKIM signature (including signing 
the Auth results) and then deliver it.  That would allow the MUA to rely on 
the results header field.  Since the MDA and the MUA are generally in the 
same adminstrative domain, any key rollover issues could be handled 
internally.  I'm not saying that's the right answer, just one possibility 
(and yet another potential reason to solve multiple signatures).

Scott K
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