On Sat, Aug 05, 2006 at 04:57:23PM -0700, Dave Crocker allegedly wrote:
> John L wrote:
> >> Your assertion in the subject is an opinion.  I find the statement below
> >> to be useful.
> > 
> > I think we have a subtle point here.
> > 
> > "I sign everything so please discard unsigned mail apparently from me"
> > could be useful to recipients.
> > 
> > Plain "I sign everything" isn't.
> Having the signer or the ssp publishes tell the evaluator what they should do
> with a message is not a good idea

Why do you say that Dave?

If SSP is not giving guidance/information to receivers/evaluators, who
then is the target audience for SSP? And what do we want them to do
with the information?

An interesting twist to "telling evaluators", as you put it, is that
SSP is a negative indicator. It's telling evaluators *not* to deliver
unless the right conditions are met. Why would an "evaluator" be
suspicious of a domain that encourages non-delivery of its own traffic
when in doubt?

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