Well, some extremely useful information here. Thank you, I was starting
to wonder. Now lets try the other case

"if you are running the parlous operating system that shall not be named
for fear of dudgeous lawsuits beware of mails that look like mine that
are not, and don't come whining to me because.... wait, you will be too
busy pretending to be me"

I hear all the time from the gorillas who insist that everyone wants
their mail, none of it is ever spam and how dare my users gleefully
insist that it is.

All DKIM does for me is to get a case of who to kvetch at when I get
some real nasty spam and senders policy will assist me in determining

In no way does accreditation=DKIM 

Bill Oxley 

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of John L
Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2006 8:57 PM
To: DKIM List
Subject: [ietf-dkim] The problem with sender policy

> John does have business interests in commercial accreditation
> however I think he in general somehow does not like policy records

It's true, I don't, and I've been trying to figure out why not.  It 
finally came to me: senders are not the right people to judge their own 

When I think of SSP records saying dump mail if it's not signed, I see a

bunch of tiny gorillas*, beating their teensy chests and saying in high 
squeaky voices, "Beware, oh Internet, of the Scourge of Criminals 
attempting to forge the image of my Inestimable Personage, and do not
to be fooled by these Base Mockeries of Communication!"  The only 
reasonable response from everyone else is somewhere between "Huh?" and 
"Get real."

If the ABA or the FDIC published a list of domains used by member banks
send signed transactional mail, I would find that really useful.  A list

of people who think they are as threatened by forgery as those banks is 
useless other than for entertainment value.

So that's the problem with SSP.  Whatever your policy is, unless you're 
someone I already have reason to be interested in, I don't care.

John Levine, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for
Information Superhighwayman wanna-be, http://johnlevine.com, Mayor
"I dropped the toothpaste", said Tom, crestfallenly.

* - Lest anyone wonder, on the 500 pound gorilla scale I rate about an 
ounce and a half.
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