On 2006-09-08 12:34, Hector Santos wrote:

If the signature is good, then the recipient can A) send
feedback to the right place and B) use the senders reputation
to make decisions about delivery

But where was the acceptance criteria in the first place?  That it passed
the DKIM test?

The acceptance criteria is completely external to DKIM -- Steve labeled it as "B" in the portion you quoted above.

Why is this such a difficult concept?

If the mail is unsigned then we're at status-quo.

I disagree (and so does SSP, DSAP, etc). Absolutely not.  It is no longer a
Legacy Mail operation once DKIM is a presumed default behavior.

By the time DKIM is "a presumed default behavior," we'll understand the real-world use cases for both BASE and SSP a lot better than anyone does today.

J.D. Falk, Anti-Spam Product Manager
Yahoo! Communications Platform Team
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to http://mipassoc.org/dkim/ietf-list-rules.html

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