In discussions with the IESG to sort through their "discuss" comments, I had a talk with Lisa Dusseault, and she had one point that I want to bring back to the mailing list: I don't think we considered, in our discussions of multiple signatures, multiple *linked* signatures, which could work TOGETHER to convey information, and the protocol doesn't allow that sort of thing. The way dkim-base is set up, I don't think this could easily be added as an extension, and it'd be a significant change at this point. Here's the concept: * Signer puts on two signatures (maybe as two header records, maybe as one that contains two sigs). * One of the signatures has minimal scope, maybe signing only "from:", with l=0. * The other signature covers as much of the message as possible... most headers, all the boby. * The two signatures work together. If one verifies and the other doesn't, the verifier can consider what was changed in the message, and possibly use that information to deal with mailing list modifications or whatnot.

One way this might be used is to have one signature that covers the subject header and one that doesn't, to allow the verifier to detect a subject change and decide whether it's OK. As the spec is now, the verifier would just find the one signature (that doesn't cover the subject) that works, and use that, not considering the other.

The WG did discuss related things, so maybe we'll decide that this was covered and dismissed, but it's a wrinkle that I want to make sure we look at. Let's beat this around for a week or so, and see where we are with it, and what we do or don't want to do with it.


Barry Leiba, DKIM working group chair  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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