Hi Tony,

My technical and "product attraction" opinion is:

The original scope (SSP) was on track with addressing with what I believe were the most marketable features of the product:

   - High benefits for exclusive domain policies
   - High benefits in exposing the nature of domain usage

As a product producer, this is how I am going to be able to "help" the "world of domains" outside my own control. It is what I see my customers will desire, and at the same time, as a USER of the product, I would like to also protect my own domains being exploited and used at other compatible DKIM/SSP systems out there. I would rather that they honor our DKIM/SSP own policies.

We are simply not going to protect the entire spectrum of DKIM with no or flexible SSP policies. But we can MOST definitely address domains (HIGH VALUE or not, but HIGH VALUE will probably be most interested) with "tigher" policies who simply do not expect MIDDLE WARE and/or LIST SERVERS to be "touching" or passing thru such mediums.

In effect, we want to provide "increased assurances" to the domains wanting to increase security value with direct communications with their end-users and target recipients.

In short, speaking as one vendor, we will not expose our customers with a "out of the box" DKIM solution until we have a SSP or similar concept wrapper concept. I see absolutely no value in a DKIM-BASE only system and in fact, could hurt more than it helps and the longer DKIM-BASE is used and ignored, the more it becomes obsolete.

So if all possible, I "vote" for concurrent (or near) release of both specs, whatever that means in terms of IETF. I think Jim Fenton's updated SSP-03 is good enough to start and it covers the "features" that I outlined in my own (now expired) draft DSAP which was strategically written to simply highlight the concerns. With that, I support SSP-03 rather than continue with DSAP.


Tony Hansen wrote:
A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts

        Title           : DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) Message
                          Signing Service Overview

As you read through this, you will find that the stuff in it dealing
with SSP is only part way there. This is hardly unsuprising since SSP
itself is only part where there.

An outstanding issue from the last IETF was (quoting the minutes):

        Tony Hansen reviewed the status of the DKIM Overview document,
        and we got another "hum" from the room about preference to put
        the document out soon, to aid implementations of the DKIM base,
        with a possible second version later, covering subsequent
        topics...  or to publish the overview document only after the
        working group completes (or largely completes) the rest of its
        work.  The consensus was again not overwhelming, and was
        marginally in favour of publishing a first version now.

Given the lukewarm consensus before about publishing this document now
versus later, we didn't push hard one way or the other for the latest

However, I'd like to hear some discussion on the issue: Should we put
out a version now (without the SSP references), or hold off until SSP is
totally finished?

        Tony Hansen
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to http://mipassoc.org/dkim/ietf-list-rules.html

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to http://mipassoc.org/dkim/ietf-list-rules.html

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