Steve Atkins wrote:

On Mar 14, 2007, at 1:28 PM, Hector Santos wrote:

I could be wrong, but I believe he was referring to backward compatibility issues with a new legacy market of DKIM-BASE only systems vs DKIM-BASE PLUS SSS systems.

Are you suggesting that deploying SSP will break dkim-base? Could you explain how, if so?

Yes and No.

The answer to your question depends on many factors, but it is really quite simple. This scenario is not new. Code Red and similar threats is based on the premise that there exist of market of old and legacy systems.

Given two sets of RECEIVERS:

  RECEIVER-A:  Legacy DKIM-BASE system. Supports DKIM-BASE only
  RECEIVER-B:  Updated to support DKIM-BASE+SSP

and given a DOMAIN that has determined that it "better" to use SSP than not use SSP, therefore it uses a strong SSP policy for signing.

then who do you think the BAD GUY will target?

  Simple:  RECEIVER-A

RECEIVER-A will bare the blunt of the premature decisions. The DOMAIN reputation will be harmed because there exist a legacy of DKIM-BASE only systems that bad guys will target.

So using the word "break" is not a term I would use. But I would say that the promotion and recommendation that it is SAFE to use DKIM-BASE without any helper technology is in my strong opinion, a very poor engineering decision because it HARM receivers and domains.

Of course, RECEIVER-A would have to upgrade and I believe that is question Mr. Lear was poising to Mr. Powers. Will systems upgrade at a later point?

Of course, I think the answer is YES if such systems realize that its better to upgrade. But we can only hope it is sooner than later so that we minimize the number of legacy of DKIM-BASE only systems.

Hope this helps


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