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It's been hard over the last few days to keep pace with all of the  
messages here, so my comments are on the basic notion that Dave had  
brought up.

I agree wholeheartedly with his basic premise, that SSP started off  
being modest, and has grown into the experimental and encompassing. I  
also agree that this isn't good.

So I'm going to pull back and describe how I think we got here.

Back in the days of DKIM-base, we started with considering what  
happens with broken signatures. We also believed that it would be not  
uncommon for a legitimate message to get its signature broken in flight.

When you consider what the receiver is supposed to do with a broken  
signature, the first suggestion is, "Well, do what you did before  
DKIM." This is legitimate, if unsatisfying. It is more unsatisfying  
the more that signatures can be expected to land unmolested.

Secondly, if you consider the senders for whom DKIM is most valuable  
- -- big phishing targets -- they want the illegitimate message thrown  

This leads us to a nice confluence of events. The receiver has a  
message it isn't sure what to do with, and the sender can offer  
helpful advice. If the sender says, "I'd rather you threw away a good  
message than accept a bad one," then the receiver has a hint as to  
what to do with it. Don't bother trying to process it, just junk it.

Thus is born SSP, and thus is born the "I sign everything" policy.  
This is non-controversial, we all think it's great. As a receiver, if  
I see a broken signature, do an SSP check and if it says "sign all" I  
can now just throw the message with the broken signature away.

However, next comes an addition to that. If we assume there are  
active bad guys, they'll just send their bad messages with no  
signature. Consequently, we can solve this by redefining a broken  
signature to include messages with no signature. It doesn't take much  
of a stretch to consider no signature to be merely the most extreme  
form a broken signature. This way, we end up will all forged messages  
pretending to be from a signing domain to be dropped at the receiver.

This is undeniably a Good Thing. I support it, myself. However, it is  
also precisely the place where SSP jumped the shark. All the further  
mission-creep of SSP comes from this one seemingly-innocuous, well- 
meaning change.

This *radically* changes SSP in two fundamental ways:

(1) It changes SSP from being a protocol that governs the error  
condition of an optional protocol to being a protocol that governs  
*every* email received by *every* MTA.

(2) It changes SSP from being *guidance* that a sender gives to a  
receiver to a *mandate* that the sender gives to the receiver.

The first one is troubling for a number of reasons. When we started  
DKIM, we told the rest of the IETF that this was an optional  
protocol, you didn't have to use it, and so on. We also cooed softly  
at the people who worried about the increased DNS use, arguing many  
ways that this wouldn't dramatically increase the global load on DNS  
all that much.

While this addition (SSP check on every message) is certainly a Good  
Thing, it means that we've gone back on our word to the rest of the  
IETF. I think it could be argued that that this violates the DKIM  
charter, in spirit, if not in the letter.

The second one is much subtler. It's a principle of email sending  
that the receiver can do whatever they want, no matter how stupid.  
While it may be useful for the sender to offer hints and guidance to  
the receiver, the sender cannot mandate. While I don't know how, I  
see here the makings of an exploitable architectural flaw.

I think we need to take a big step back from SSP. We need to  
seriously look at all policies other than the original "sign  
everything" policy and discuss them thoroughly. We need to seriously  
look at that one little change and discuss how it changed, as Dave  
said, the very *paradigm* of SSP.

I offer as a suggestion that we issue an SSP document that describes  
only the basic broken-signature-only model of SSP with only the one  
policy (sign-all). After that, we look at enhancements to the model  
carefully. We seriously discuss whether they are outside the charter  
because of the effect it has on the global email infrastructure to  
turn DKIM from an opt-in protocol to a you-must protocol. We also  
seriously have to look at other policies to discuss their  
effectiveness along with their environmental effects.


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