Mark Delany wrote:
> On Dec 12, 2007, at 6:01 PM, J D Falk wrote:
>> Jon Callas wrote:
>>> I offer as a suggestion that we issue an SSP document that describes
>>> only the basic broken-signature-only model of SSP with only the one
>>> policy (sign-all). After that, we look at enhancements to the model
>>> carefully. We seriously discuss whether they are outside the charter
>>> because of the effect it has on the global email infrastructure to
>>> turn DKIM from an opt-in protocol to a you-must protocol. We also
>>> seriously have to look at other policies to discuss their
>>> effectiveness along with their environmental effects.
>> +1
>> This will let us experiment and learn through real-world operational
>> experience, rather than continually rehashing the same arguments.
> Plus One. I'm inclined to this approach if we can't reconcile the
> differences that appear to have stalled SSP progress.
> Is there a common subset of SSP that most everyone agrees on?

I thought we had documented it in RFC 5016.

(in other words:  -1 to above approach)

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