In some of my talks, I sometimes refer to DKIM as "DomainKeys Version 
2". This gets people thinking in the right frame of mind as to their 

        Tony Hansen

Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
> Sorry, I wasn't done yet.
> The main reason I wanted to share this with the working group is to point 
> out that we got some confused people at RSA asking us why we're going with 
> DKIM and not DomainKeys in light of the content of this paper.
> I wonder if it would be prudent to (somehow) make a statement clarifying 
> that the experiment therein described was begun before RFC4871 was issued, 
> and thus before DKIM enjoyed any kind of real deployment.  Or something 
> like that.  Ideally that would come from PayPal but I don't know that we 
> have any direct participation from them here.

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