On Wed, 30 Apr 2008 21:02:21 +0100, Arvel Hathcock  

> Now suppose that the attacker decides to send the mail from
> doesnt-exist.example.com.  Note that this sub-domain is still part of
> example.com yet since "doesnt-exist" doesn't exist there is no way the
> administrator at example.com could have deployed an ADSP record for it
> and where there is no ADSP record, the algorithm requires a result of "I
> do not sign everything."  Thus is ADSP defeated and we become, in my
> view, a laughing stock for overlooking an obvious hole in our algorithm.
> Enter the NXDOMAIN check.  If, as part of the ADSP algorithm, an
> NXDOMAIN check is performed, the algorithm can quickly detect that the
> domain doesn't exist and that _this_ might be the reason there is no
> ADSP record.  This added insight closes the hole and can be used by
> filtering agents.

Or alternatively, enter the Treewalk, which also cures the problem (at  
least to the level the treewalk is taken to).
> The debate has shifted from outright hostility to any NXDOMAIN check at
> all (complete elimination of it in it's entirely) to just removing it
> from a required algorithmic step and instead referencing it
> non-normatively with some version of "this is a good idea that you might
> want to think about if you're not already doing it."

I am not so sure the denate has shifted to the extent you imagine. And the  
trouble with non-normative text is that it is non-normative. You cannot be  
sure that people will take the hint. Currently some sites already do it,  
but many don't.

So my preference is still for treewalking, at least to the depth of 2 as  
advocated in the present draft. And by all means add that non-normative  
remark as well, just to encourage good practice. The advantage of the  
treewalking is that it IS within our remit to include normative mention of  

Charles H. Lindsey ---------At Home, doing my own thing------------------------
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