On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 09:47:31AM -0800, Dave CROCKER wrote:
>Michael Adkins wrote:
>> A question regarding the notes in 10 and 11:
>> Would it make more sense to suggest that the mail system make the UAID 
>> clear to the reader if its the identity whose reputation was used to 
>> deliver the message, and make the SDID clear to the reader otherwise?
>Simple question:  why?
>Complex question:  What is the empirical basis for believing that any user 
>interface design recommendations that we make will have any utility to the 
>end-user?  Experience with usability design demonstrates a key constant:  it 
>almost impossible to ensure user interface utility in the absence of empirical 

That all depends on who the reader is and what is meant by clear. :)

For me just putting that information in a header in which I could tell
Mutt to display works for me. :)

But for everyone else, viewing the source (or internet headers) is
always an option. I don't know if that qualifies as "clear to the
reader", but it is close enough for me.

Jeff Macdonald

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