+1.  Thank god someone had the nerve to speak up.

Beside the fact it is being used in conflictive ways,  I just love it 
when a "new word" gets into ones vocabulary that they are compelled to 
use it even when not 100% understood to the layman.  Just consider, if 
a reader has to take the time to googled it to attempt to understand 
its usage in DKIM, then most likely, its the wrong technical term to 
use in the first place.

IMO, same is true with the word "Consume"  makes one feel that 
something is being "eaten up," never to be used again by seen and used 
by anything else, i.e. its not passed on. The fact is, it is passed on 
to whoever may want to see it and it may be passed on more than once, 
therefore it isn't "consumed", it is utilities, processed, etc, but 
not "consumed."

In my opinion, as far as I am concern as a potential implementation I 
need to know

1) Is I=/D= the same in RFC 4871 or are we trying to say that I= 
domains can in fact be DIFFERENCE than whats defined as the 
requirement in RFC 4871?

2) Resolve this MUST convey concept. It is conflictive with other
relaxed semantics regarding i= described in the specs.

Keep in mind, IMO, is DKIM is going to succeed, be widely adopted, its 
not going to be 100% used the same way across the board.  Others may 
not want to convey anything about backend passive, transparent DKIM 
verification methods to users - this is especially true if the sender 
is anonymous, there is no WHITE/REPUTATION info to fall back on.

IMV, this is where POLICY concept plays an important role.  It is the 
policy that is going to help receivers to dissemination the OBVIOUS 
FRAUD from the rest, and folks, if we can not dissemination the 
OBVIOUS FRAUD, then I ask, where is the payoff for the high value 
exclusive domains who may want to use DKIM in 1 to 1 communications 
with users.

I hate to rehash anything, but we need to keep the eye on the prize 


Hector Santos, CTO

Jim Fenton wrote:
> I have been hearing quite a bit of discussion and confusion on this list
> about the word "opaque".  Since the stated intent of an erratum or
> revision to the specification is to remove a point of confusion, it's
> important not to introduce a new one.
> I strongly suggest that we not use the word "opaque" in 4871bis, or in
> an erratum if things go that way.  Instead, state exactly what the
> significance of various fields is, e.g., "the local-part of the i= value
> MAY have no significance to other than the signer, and may not be
> depended upon by the verifier in the absence of other information
> provided by the signer".
> -Jim
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