This thread has been split from Dave's long note.

Here's what I want to try, in order to convert the "majority vote" into what 
Stephen and I would be happy to call "rough consensus".  I have not discussed 
this yet with Stephen, in the interest of getting it out here more quickly, so 
may feel free to object to this and whack me over the head (as Dave has already 

As I said in my note summarizing where we are, the working group vote between 
a/b/c/d choices has taken the simpler errata changes out of the mix and given 
draft-ietf-dkim-rfc4871-errata as the path forward.  There were, though, enough 
votes against it for the chairs to consider it "significant", so:

To those who voted against draft-ietf-dkim-rfc4871-errata: given, now, that we 
will be using draft-ietf-dkim-rfc4871-errata to move forward, and the other 
choices are off the table, can you accept draft-ietf-dkim-rfc4871-errata as 
written?  If not, will you post specific changes, in OLD/NEW format, that would 
make it acceptable to you?  Acceptable changes must keep the sense of the 
draft-ietf-dkim-rfc4871-errata document with regard to the new terminology.


Barry Leiba, DKIM working group chair  (

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