On Mon, 08 Jun 2009 19:30:38 +0100, Doug Otis <doug.mtv...@gmail.com>  

> On Jun 8, 2009, at 3:24 AM, Charles Lindsey wrote:

>> For sure, individual recipients may wish to check signatures etc.
>> for themselves, espeicially if they have doubts about the policies
>> applied by their local assessors. If the local assessor has
>> unnecessarily removed some A-R that is actually covered by the
>> signature, then that becomes impossible.
> The use of the DKIM l=,  z= and x= features provide a means for
> recipients to separately evaluate DKIM signatures without reliance on
> intermediary assessors.  In addition, the A-R header does not capture
> the IP address when assessing path registration protocols, which means
> that safe recipient reassessment might only be possible in the case of
> DKIM or reverse DNS.

I accept that my remarks concerning the retention of A-R headers are  
directed at the case where those headers are confirming the analysis of  
some DKIM signature. Different considerations may well apply when the A-R  
is reporting on some other security mechanism.

>>> The safest solution would be to remove _all_ A-R pre-existing A-R
>>> headers from different environments ...
>> But that's not what the standard says.
> Wrong.  See RFC 5451 section 5, complete removal is suggested for
> maximum security.  It also suggests:

When you first made your claim, you were relying on Section 4.1. Now I  
have shot that one down, you have transferred to Section 5.

But section 5 merely says you MAY remove A-R headers, but then immediately  
goes on to warn you of two situations where this might be counter  
productive. Both of those situations arise in the scenarios I have been  

Charles H. Lindsey ---------At Home, doing my own thing------------------------
Tel: +44 161 436 6131                       
   Web: http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~chl
Email: ...@clerew.man.ac.uk      snail: 5 Clerewood Ave, CHEADLE, SK8 3JU, U.K.
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