On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 12:15 PM, Dave CROCKER <d...@dcrocker.net> wrote:
> On 4/30/2010 8:32 AM, Jeff Macdonald wrote:
>> On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 8:56 AM, Dave CROCKER<d...@dcrocker.net>  wrote:
>>>> I wrote:
>>>> and forging the From address
>>> It's not forged:
> ...
>>> The use of that word, for this situation, is simply incorrect.
> ...
>> Perhaps poorly chosen words. But I think most understood the intent.
> Actually, most seem not to.  They really believe the string is "invalid" or
> at least that its presence in that form is "wrong".
> If we are doing serious technical work, we need to be serious in our use of
> terminology.  Among the various terms that I regularly rant about, the
> long-standing mischaracterization of the From: string as "forged" is
> particularly egregious.  And my rant is not at you.  It's at the community,
> for having established the practise of using the term.

don't ever stop banging that drum.

>> I'm willing to go from a world where any system can use my From to one
>> where only the systems I say can. And that means changes.
> That's an example of the problem in using the term:  Much discussion about
> DKIM presume far more end-to-end control by authors or senders than they
> will ever have.

Murray, John, Dave and Mike:

I apologize for going off on a tangent. I just keep asking myself "what if". :)

I like John's suggestion of taking Brett's ideas to ASRG.

Jeff Macdonald
Ayer, MA

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