On 8/9/10 2:52 PM, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> If the receiver is going to act differently to signed or unsigned mail from
> certain domains, then it's important to preserve the signature or change the
> domain.  For receivers of non-trivial scale they aren't in a position to know
> what mail they are receiving is MLM-distributed, so the question of how they
> would treat MLM-distributed mail is irrelevant because they don't and can't
> segregate it that way.

You are right to suggest that receivers don't know how to segregate MLM 
mail from the rest of the Internet.  But with the TPA-Label approach, 
the mailing-list does not need to change the Author Domain. Using a 
single transaction, the TPA-Label scheme provides targeted domains a 
means to indicate whether their message might be carried by a 
third-party service, whether the service has been authorized, and how 
this service can be authenticated.  In this way, only the code checking 
ADSP compliance needs to change, and not all the various mailing-lists 
and MUAs designed to inter-operate with their existing practices.

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

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