Alessandro Vesely:
> On 23/Sep/10 21:16, John R. Levine wrote:
> > All of this emphasis on complex designs for MLMs strikes me as a waste
> > of time, since it's a tiny corner of the mail space that has not
> > historically been a vector for abuse, and shows no sign of becoming one.
> >
> > That's why my advice is that lists should sign their mail, which is
> > easy and at worst harmless, and we're done.
> According to Murray's definition, MLMs include ESPs and email 
> marketers, which originate a volume of traffic and have historically 
> been a vector for abuse.  Indeed, except for subscription mechanisms 
> and deployed software, most of the problems are similar.

It may be productive if we distinguish between two-way discussion
lists where participants send mail to the list, and one-way broadcast
lists where only the owner (or their agent) sends mail to the list.

The difference between these is to be large enough that the concepts
do not generalize that well.

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

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