Sheesh, I think I've answered this at least three times now.

Well gosh, I sure do appreciate your patience in dealing with the rest of us fools that might not share your view or have something else to offer.

Sorry.  But I could swear we had this exact exchange before.

In the
absence of a DKIM signature, there is no reason to worry about doubled
headers since there is no reason to think one is "real" and the other
"fake".  They're only a threat when they provide a way to make a DKIM
signed message render differently from what the signer expected.

But some agents, maybe even many of them, do via some mechanism decide that one is the "real" one and make a filtering decision based on it. It might be as simple as an MUA electing to render the first one it finds, for some value of "first".

Aha! We did have this discussion. I reported that tried a few MUAs and found that some MUAs render the first one, some render the last. Each MUA appears to be internally consistent but there's no consistency from one MUA to another.

To me this says that at this point nobody's considered doubled headers to be other than a bug, since they haven't provided a way to do anything antisocial--they don't evade filters and they don't crash MUAs. It's only a threat when, well, you know.

Re Security Considerations, it's better than nothing, but it would be nice to put in concrete advice rather than a general warning, i.e., "verifiers SHOULD NOT verify a signature on a message that contains a mix of signed and unsigned copies of a header that is supposed to occur only once", rather than "bad guys can do bad things by adding extra headers to signed messages."

I believe the SHOULD NOT plugs the hole without changing DKIM's behavior on any valid message, but I want to finish coding it and try it for a while to see what else I've missed.


Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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