On Tue, 02 Nov 2010 18:47:23 -0000, Alessandro Vesely <ves...@tana.it>  

> On 01/Nov/10 22:56, Douglas Otis wrote:
>> On 10/30/10 3:05 AM, Alessandro Vesely wrote:
>>>  On 28/Oct/10 03:36, Douglas Otis wrote:
>>>>  I'll repeat the example given previously.  The multiple listing of a
>>>>  header in the h= parameter can not mitigate exploitation of DKIM PASS
>>>>  results where a valuable domain is prefixed to that of large domain.
>>>>  The large domain is unlikely concerned by possible presence of a
>>>>  pre-pended header field, where their decision not to include multiple
>>>>  listing for a message clearly not compliant with RFC5322.  In other
>>>>  words, this leaves DKIM results open to exploitation.
>>>>  From: accou...@big-bank.com
>>>>  From: some...@big-isp.com
>>>>  DKIM-Signature: h=from, d=big-isp.com, ...
>>>  Besides RFC 5322 compliance, how is this different from a traditional
>>>  unsigned spoofed "From: accou...@big-bank.com"?  Having just a
>>>  signature doesn't mean much, and spelling how to match signature and
>>>     From field is ADSP's job, even in corner cases.
>> [...]
>> ADSP compliance only requires a valid DKIM signature by the Author
>> Domain, as currently defined by DKIM.  This does not protect against
>> pre-pended singleton header fields containing a domain that may have a
>> restricted ADSP assertion, even one that always signs with multiple
>> singleton header fields listed in the h= parameter.
> If big-bank.com asserts a restrictive policy, the relevant author
> address should make that message fail ADSP verification, since no
> author domain signature can be found. ...

But in Doug's example, the verifier (following the letter of RFC4871) will  
report only that it saw a valid signature from the domain big-isp.com. It  
will not report anything at all (either good or bad) about big-bank.com  
since (followng 4871) it was not signed. That is the 4871 hole we are  
tying to fix.

> ...  Apparently, RFC 5617 already
> provides for multiple author addresses.  Section 3 reads
>    If a message has multiple Author Addresses, the ADSP lookups
>    SHOULD be performed independently on each address.

No, that wording applies to multiple addresses in a single From header. If  
there are two From headers, ADSP has nothing to say on which to use, so  
the expectation is that its implementations will use the first, when asked  
to to an ADSP lookup. The whole point of this scam is that big-isp.com  
(the Bad Guy in this case) wants to prevent that lookup from ever  
happening. As the two specs (DKIM and ADSP) are currently written, his  
scam will succeed.

Even if we fixed the ADSP spec (which is not on our current agenda),  
existing ADSP implementations would still get caught. SO we MUST fix it in  
DKIM, which IS on our agenda.
>> Multiple listings of singleton header fields in the h= parameter is
>> an ugly and wasteful hack that offers an incomplete remedy for
>> these selection conflicts.

Yes it is ugly but, worse, it does not prevent this particular scam.

> If ADSP verification is thorough, the exploit can only succeed when
> big-bank.com asserts no restrictive ADSP.  In such case, yes, the
> exemplified message may verify.  Blame poor signing practices at
> big-isp.com.

Big-isp.com is the Bad Guy here. His poor signing practices are quite  
deliberate. Which is why only a header-counting verifier can catch him.

Charles H. Lindsey ---------At Home, doing my own thing------------------------
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