
I'm trying to do an audit of the issues folks have raised, and aggregate them.

Along the way, I'm finding a few items that are quite specific, so I'm trying 
deal with them separately.

 From Jim's note, a couple of items don't fit well into the aggregation 
exercise, so...

> 5. Security properties:  DKIM was designed to provide a modest level of
> security limited by the security properties of DNS.  This was considered
> acceptable because it's comparable to the level of security afforded
> message routing (since MX records could be spoofed).  Other uses of DKIM
> need to be examined carefully to make sure that we do not depend on an
> insufficiently secure key infrastructure.  While use of DNSSEC mitigates
> this, I'm concerned about whether it will really be used everywhere needed.

There are two lines of answer to this:

1.  Each new use of the core will need to decide whether the facilities that 
provided by the core are sufficient to that use's needs, including any implied 
or actual security model.

2.  In deciding how to do the documentation split, there is, in fact, some 
challenge in deciding how "general" to make the core specification.  The 
circulated table of contents for DOSETA cites an authentication template.  I 
originally hoped to make it fully general, to essentially any sort of 
(structured) object.  That proved unwieldy, so it is limited to objects with a 
basic header/content form.  Happily, that happens to cover quite a lot of 
ground.  Still, it's a limitation.  The point I'm making is that the proposed 
split is not intended as an exercise in "interesting" security design but 
one of extracting the core of DKIM and making it more easily accessible to 
services that find it a good match.

> 6. Redundancy: Section 10.1 of the iSchedule draft requires the use of
> TLS for all transactions.  Why is DKIM then also needed (if the
> certificate verification happens in both directions, of course)?  Why
> are two very different mechanisms in use?

The proposal is not based on the needs of iSchedule.  (In fact, I hadn't know 
about that effort; I also note how old and apparently inactive that effort is.) 
iSchedule merely happens to provide an interest example of a candidate RE-user 
of DKIM's core.

As for any other details involving iSchedule, they have nothing to do with this 
effort or the DKIM working group.

> 7. Openness and Timeliness: Barry has apologized for not announcing this
> a month ago, but I sense that this has been going on in a private design
> team longer than that.  BCP 9 section 1.2 talks to openness and
> timeliness; this fails on both accounts.

This effort began as a personal bit of research. I've been hearing increasing 
rumblings about extended uses for the technology.  In fact it was clear from 
start that the core had more general utility; it was also clear that we needed 
to focus on one application, so as to not lose focus.

The first file I created on the topic seems to have been November 10th.  The 
first time I showed it to anyone else was around December 8th.

However, none of this really matters.  What matters is that IETF culture and 
rules require that decisions be made by the working group, and that's what is 
happening right here, right now.  And the flow of the postings make it pretty 
clear that if there were a conspiracy-like effort underway, it wasn't managed 
very well...

In fact, the IETF is actually structured with the assumption that everyone is 
biased, that they have an agenda.  This is an advocacy and adversarial 
environment.  So, everyone must surface the details of the work. That is, what 
matters is that technical issues must be made public and must be resolved 
publicly.  What happens prior to that does not matter much.

Rough consensus means that enough people like an idea or a specification, no 
matter its source.



   Dave Crocker
   Brandenburg InternetWorking
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