On 4/4/2011 2:38 PM, Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
>> Alessandro Vesely wrote:
>> On 03/Apr/11 18:45, Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
>>> I think when it's clear there's no more progress that can be made,
>>> you close down and move on.  You can always start up a WG later
>>> when there's a chance for better progress or new work to be done.
>> Is there a difference between the WG and the mailing list, in this
>> respect?  Shutting down the mailing list implies possibly different
>> members whenever a new DKIM WG will be started up.
> I actually don't know.  Someone else could chime in.  I'm sure the archives 
> are kept "forever" though.
> There are other DKIM lists around that could become a new home for such 
> conversation though.  Or you could start your own.
> Also, "possibly different members" is not necessarily a bad thing.  Some 
> fresh perspective might be quite welcome.

When a WG shuts down, its mailing list is almost always kept alive.

     Tony Hansen
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

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