On Apr 29, 2011, at 12:32 PM, John R. Levine wrote:

> On Fri, 29 Apr 2011, Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
>>> On further consideration, I'm with Dave.  Suggest removing the current
>>> language about l= and MIME boundaries, and replace with a note that if you
>>> use l=, added content can change the appearance of a message in hard to
>>> anticipate ways.
>> Replace the whole section with just that, or only the first paragraph?
> Sheesh, you actually want me to read the thing?  Oh, all right.
> In 4.4.5, delete "  Signers
>    of MIME messages that include a body length count SHOULD be sure that
>    the length extends to the closing MIME boundary string."
> Also delete the subsequent INFORMATIVE IMPLEMENTATION NOTE.
> The note earlier in the section says the bad guy can replace the displayed 
> contents, so I don't think we need to say it again.

+1 to three changes above.

J.D. Falk
the leading purveyor of industry counter-rhetoric solutions

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