On 05/04/2011 11:26 AM, Dave CROCKER wrote:
>> It's because I didn't want to imply that those were the only two.
> This is quite a remarkable premise for refusing to provide concrete 
> substance.
> I'm trying to imagine how a working group could ever make progress, 
> were this premise prevalent.  Don't offer substance without providing 
> a massive tome to cover everything that qualifies it enough to avoid 
> misunderstanding what hasn't been said...

More ad-hominems. I've written a DKIM stack. The first one in fact, followed
a week or so later testing with Murray. Call it an argument from 
authority, but
I at least have some experience in what subtle and seemingly inconsequential
wording changes can do to implementations.

44 pages of diffs scares the living hell out of me.

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