On 05/04/2011 08:51 AM, Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
>> Both documents refer to rfc4686, albeit only in the Informative
>> References section. rfc4871 refers to rfc4686 only in section 8,
>> rfc4871bis in section 8 as well as in section 1.1.
> There are two main fallacies that appear to be behind the arguments of a few 
> people here:
> (1) RFC4686 is gospel.  It isn't.  Its status is "Informative" which means it 
> doesn't bind anyone to do anything.
> (2) A working group is not entitled to change its mind about something based 
> on experience.  It is.
> Since RFC4686 was published, some of the consensus view of how this 
> does/should/might all work has shifted.  There's nothing wrong with that.
> If someone wants to undertake the work of publishing an update because it's 
> seen as important, there are several of us that could assist with procedure, 
> though it's unlikely to be done by this working group at this point.

My sense is that what Rolf is asking at its base is that the there is
a conflict between the two documents and it's not clear why they
exist, and which should be believed. If 4686 is inconsistent, then
we should make a case for why it's wrong and document that. It
may be process-wise "informational", but it served at the time as
a guiding document for the creation of 4871, and had working
group consensus at a time of extremely high scrutiny. We do not
have anywhere close to that level of scrutiny now, and as such
any changes made should be viewed with a very high level of
caution and scepticism.

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