On 05/04/2011 01:57 PM, Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
> And who gets to define "appropriate"?
> It's already been pointed out that we could list every current tag's value 
> and a pile of other stuff to pass on to the next layer, which may or may not 
> find it useful, but that would make for an extremely messy protocol.
> Protocols need to be kept simple.
4871 was simpler yet: it had no notion of an "output". It relied on the
developer to consider what was appropriate to deliver up the food

Manifestly this is very confusing. What is the "output" of IKE/KINK?
Patterned after DKIM, it would be the identity in the cert/ticket. But
it is profoundly the wrong question, which is what is leading to all
of these non-sequiturs.

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