John R. Levine wrote:
>> You can see the count that have "l=" smaller than the final message size as 
>> well as the "l=0" ones, and how many of those passed or failed.
>> That's out of 155972 signatures that used "l=", and 4.36M total signatures 
>> observed, in just over eight months of data.
> Hmmn.  If my arithmetic is right, about 95% of l= signatures didn't cover 
> the whole body, and only a few of those were l=0.  Your users must 
> subscribe to different mailing lists than I do.

of course, we don't all live in the same levine list world.

What I found in a quick grep scan of ~7000 list messages:

    137 used l= with some value
      3 used l=0 from the same source

More details:

   - Sorted down to 37 domains, 36 unknown, 1 known domain,
   - Except for 1 known, all mail from the 36 was spam,
   - 20 of them had the same patterns but different domains, and
   - the 20 used two signatures, sha1 and sha256

The collection were saved prior to verification so I don't know off 
hand if they failed or the actual body counts.

In my network of mail, I will say, l= is used by spammers blasting 
list mail to their collected emails addresses to spam.

Hector Santos, CTO

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

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