>>> +----------+--------------+
>>> | count(*) | mailing_list |
>>> +----------+--------------+
>>> |    77246 |            0 |
>>> |    78853 |            1 |
>>> +----------+--------------+
>> That's just strange.  Most of the l= signatures don't cover the whole
>> body, and half of those didn't go through a mailing list?

> I suspect it's use of "l=" by a signer without regard to whether or not 
> the mail is heading to an MLM.  For example, OpenDKIM's antecedent had 
> that as an option; only the evolution to OpenDKIM allowed you to be more 
> specific.

Except that doesn't explain why l= doesn't cover the entire body.

Signing or verifying bug?  Clever spammer replaying signed mail and 
getting away with it?  Forwarders of some sort that add a footer but 
otherwise don't look like mailing lists?

John Levine, jo...@iecc.com, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies",
Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail. http://jl.ly
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

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