Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
>> Alessandro Vesely

>> Why not?  Of course, having a copy of each subscription record would
>> roughly double the database, globally.  "Twice" is scalable, though.
> An automated system to monitor mail flows to figure out lists to 
> which users have subscribed or unsubscribed can't scale unless 
> there are standards around how to do that, and everyone participates.  
> That's a high bar to set.
> A manual system requires users to register lists they join or depart.  
> That's bound to be increasingly inaccurate over time.  And if every Gmail 
> user subscribes to just two lists, that's an awfully large number of 
> relationships to track and check on each message transiting their MTAs.
> I could be wrong, but it sounds like a nightmare.

You would only deal with your own local side lists, not others and 
that will scale just fine.  The only thing is that it may be two 
separate applications (SMTP and MLS) so interfacing them would be an 
implementation question.  Generally, an accept or forwarding file is used.

Hector Santos, CTO

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