On 27/May/11 19:16, Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
> I'm all for including experimental code in future releases of our
> stuff, especially if it's an experiment other implementations are
> trying.  But I need to see a spec first, or enough detail that I
> could write one.

For the body, I brought some ideas[1].  For MIME header fields,
punctuation and boundaries need to be omitted as well.  For other
header fields, including the DKIM-Signature, it is probably enough to
remove just any white space.
[1] http://mipassoc.org/pipermail/ietf-dkim/2011q2/016692.html

IMHO, the "hard parts" of the code are (i) selecting a MIME parser,
and (ii) finding a good way to structure experimental C14Ns and handle
double (triple?) signatures in the existing code.
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