> The first thing is that it's out of scope to address changes to things
> that were in RFC 4871, which was approved by the working group, the
> community, and the IESG in 2007, if it's simply a question of one or
> two people not liking those things so much -- even if one or two of
> those people now sit on the IESG.  The working group has really made
> an effort to avoid casual changes, and I support that, as chair and
> document shepherd.

RFC 4871 is full of gratuitous and often wrong advice on everything from 
APIs to MUA design to key management.  4871bis got rid of some of it, but 
there's still a lot left.  If Pete can force us to strip out more of the 
gratuitous stuff and stick to telling people how to do reliably 
interoperable signing and verification, the actual standards part of the 
standard, he'll be doing everyone a favor in the long run.

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